The human race, as we know it, aspires to achieve limitless success, and with pride and respect. Then, suddenly, a question pops in my mind. Is it being done without hurting someone’s dignity? The answer is no. And here’s why. While reasons are numerous, I feel like we need to raise a basic but necessary concern. Our society has been constantly endorsing gender-based violence, in the form of partial treatment, and discrimination, on a large scale, under the respectable banner of ‘culture’ and ‘tradition’. All my life, growing up in India, I have seen and heard about rigid and brutal stands on menstruation. As a human being and as a biologist it’s shameful to acknowledge such a natural phenomenon being labelled as a taboo, without any scientific backing. It openly excludes women from many aspects of socio-cultural life. This has its impact on the psychological state of young girls and women. Some of the cultural connotations related to menstruation are avoiding certain food items,...
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